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Intro to Turning (Feb-March)

This course can no longer be booked.

Learn woodturning and become independent on the lathe. Make your first bowls, candleholder, and box.

Started Feb 20
550 Swiss francs
Geneva (La Voie-Creuse 16)


Explore the art of woodturning and learn to create stunning wooden masterpieces. From bowls to candleholders and vases, let your imagination take shape with our guidance. YOU WILL LEARN: - How to prepare the wood to go on the lathe - Bowl- and spindle-turning techniques - The various ways to secure wood on the lathe - The range of turning tools and accessories - Safe use of the lathe - Turning design and planning - Finishing techniques PROJECTS: shallow bowl, rounded convex bowl, candle holder, lidded box.

Cancellation Policy

Please note that we do not refund your bookings, however you can either reschedule 24 hours before or pass your spot to somebody around you.


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